That's a wrap! ๐ŸŽ‰

That's a wrap! ๐ŸŽ‰

It seems like forever ago, but just short of a few months ago, the "Systems Transform" team (a namesake playing on the Transform Cabaret) embarked on our journey to migrate our ad hoc systems to Google Workspace. I'm so happy to say that we have finally closed this chapter of our project!

We're so grateful for the help we received from Object.Work! I doubt this project would have gone as smoothly as it did without their help.

In this year "Systems Transform" successfully onboarded all ย staff onto:

  • Slack
  • Asana
  • Gmail and Google Workspace

  • We moved from using three separate filing systems (Dropbox, Private Google Workspace account, and storage on individual desktops) all into Shared Drives. We moved our email client from private server using Outlook, to Gmail.

    It's been such a pleasure to help our team navigate and find a process that works for everyone.

    We didn't know it at the time, but I'm so grateful that we brought Slack in when we did (a few months prior to the pandemic) โ€“ so our team was up and running when it came time to move to remote work.

    I'm looking forward to bringing in the new year and tackling the projects that come our way!